An open landscape with a river running towards mountains on the horizon
An open landscape with a river running towards mountains on the horizon

Our commitment to open source

Scott Logic is committed to open source

At Scott Logic, we believe that open source offers immeasurable benefits and are keen to see increased adoption, while tackling the sustainability challenges. There are four main ways by which we deliver on our commitment:


We have an open source first policy. If a viable open source project exists, or one which we can readily adapt to meet our requirements, it is our first choice. We also take particular care when adopting open source components to ensure we understand the risks these may present.


We have a permissive open source policy and actively encourage our team to contribute to open source projects.


If we create a technology solution that we feel others would benefit from, we are committed to open sourcing it.


We are active members of the Fintech Open Source Foundation (FINOS) and Linux Foundation and have partnered with various other organisations, such as Bristol Pound and J.P. Morgan to collaborate on a great many open source projects and initiatives.

Open source is everywhere, but built on fragile foundations

Open source is the practice of developing software in the open, where the code is visible and open to being changed by anyone. What started as the free software movement in the early 90s has become a pervasive and critical part of the entire software industry. From cloud platforms to embedded systems, front-end UI to back-end data platforms, everywhere you look open source is the dominant force.

Whilst open source has many benefits when compared to closed-source proprietary solutions, it isn’t without issues. Commercial open source is thriving, however, there is an increasing reliance on community-led open source projects, many of which are struggling to sustain themselves.

Read more about open source sustainability


Scott Logic has been an active member of the Fintech Open Source Foundation (FINOS) for a number of years. We're active in a number of their working groups and projects, including FDC3 (desktop interop standards), KDB (a time series database) and their D&I Committee. Our CTO has also served as a board member and is currently leading their nascent Technical Steering Committee.

FINOS logo

Linux Foundation logo

The Linux Foundation

We are recent members of The Linux Foundation, but are already active contributors. Our CTO has written their training course on WebAssembly, we are working closely with Linux Foundation Research on various survey and research projects, and have been on the organising committee of various CNCF events.

How we live our commitment

Open Source first

We believe that if a viable open source solution exists, or one which we can readily adapt to meet requirements, it should be the first choice. But, care needs to be taken to ensure any associated risks are truly understood.


Open source provides transparency and the opportunity for greater scrutiny, but it requires targeted action to bring those values to life. We know how to ensure open source is consumed safely, and guide our clients on maturing their own ways of working.


The value of open source needs to be related to an organisation as a whole through dedicated focus and expertise. We have helped organisations establish the necessary leadership drive and support to truly realise that value.

Community and shared value

We have a permissive open source policy and actively encourage our teams to contribute back to open source projects, collaboratively creating shared value and innovation. We support our clients in doing the same.

Open Source London

In partnership with FINOS, we run Open Source London which aims to expand contributions to and consumption of open source technologies that support large enterprises in addressing their business challenges.

Keep up to date with our future events by joining our mailing list, watch a video from our latest event, and view the full playlist here.

Our projects

We have built, and made significant contributions to, a wide range of open source projects. These are some of the highlights:

Open source research

Cover of 2024 State of Open Source in Financial Services report

World of Open Source: Europe Spotlight 2023

2024 State of Open Source in Financial Services

Co-authored by our CTO Colin Eberhardt, the fourth annual State of Open Source in Financial Services report offers a comprehensive, global exploration of the dynamic open source landscape within financial services in 2024.

Read more

World of Open Source: Europe Spotlight 2023

Scott Logic's Colin Eberhardt, Graham Odds and Matt Dunderdale have co-written the new Linux Foundation report, 'World of Open Source: Europe Spotlight 2023', which benchmarks the trends and impact of open source in the public sector alone and against other industries.

Read more

Get in touch

Want to know more about how we could support your open source projects?

Drop us a line to find out how our approach could help.