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We're making good progress towards our Net Zero goal

8 August 2024

We have published our latest Environmental Impact Report, which documents Scott Logic’s carbon footprint in 2023, describes what we are currently doing to reduce our ongoing environmental impact, and sets out our roadmap to net zero.

2023 Carbon Footprint

In the calendar year 2023, our Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from all business-related activities totalled 1,002 tCOe (Tonnes of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent), a reduction from 1,351 tCO₂e in 2022. Overall, we have already reduced our annual emissions by 34.0% from our 2021 baseline, and our per-employee intensity ratio is now half the baseline measurement.

Improvements in the accuracy of our measurements have contributed to the reduction, including:

  • precise data directly from source on the emissions from the electricity, heating, and cooling of our Newcastle HQ
  • improved measurement accuracy for IT-related Purchased Goods And Services, thanks to our work on the Tech Carbon Standard

As well as summarising our performance in 2023, our Environmental Impact Report sets out the milestones on Scott Logic’s journey to net zero, including short-term objectives and actions over the next two years.

Read the full report

Click the link below to download your copy of the report:

Scott Logic Environmental Impact Report 2023 (PDF, 1.9 MB)